1935, LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO, PAGE FOUR THE DAYTON DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1935 M-28 OHIO NATURAL GAS RESOURCES TO BE PROBED COLUMBUS, 0., March UP- A broad investigation of natural gas resources in Ohio will be conducted by a senate committee, probably after sine die adjournment of the legislature. The committee, appointed after the senate approved the inquiry yesterday, will have authority to investigate the supply of natural gas, its cost of distribution and the cost to the producer. Senator John Lloyd Scioto), a sponsor of the inquiry, said there are conflicting views on gas resources; that one group feels they are almost exhausted while another contends gas is being "bottled up to keep the price up." The senate also approved a resolution recommending that compulsory military training be continued at Ohio State university while the house adopted several bills and heard Gov. Davey accused of trying to control the lower branch. The senate's action on military training is believed, to spell the defeat of two make training optional at state institutions.
The vote was 22 to 4. In debate on a bill to give county treasurers one-half of 1 per cent for handling sales tax stamps, Representative Grant P. Ward Franklin) charged the governor asserted he would not permit the bill to reach a vote on the house floor. course he could not do that," Ward said. "He just wanted to show who was running the house of representatives, and I think it is time we show him it being run by the house members." The house voted down a conference report on the bill, which had been approved by the senate.
The house approved, 72 to 4, a bill by Representative J. Harry McGregor Coshocton) which would authorize the state purchasing agent make purchases less than $300 without competitive bids. Says Ohio Leads in Loan Delinquencies WASHINGTON, March -Financial distress in Ohio, due to unemployment and frozen bank and building and loan resources, today was said by John H. Fahey to be responsible for that state leading all others in delinquent Home Owners' Loan payments. The HOLC chairman told a senate banking subcommittee that Ohio delinquencies amount to 34.8 per cent, compared with a national average of 20 per cent.
He said Nevada, with 9.8 per cent had the lowest delinquency. "Sure, enjoy yourself," said Jim. "It's a ding good cigarette." Vermonters in Debate Here C. A. ROGERS W.
T. MYERS Todd Mumma and Marion Hay, members of the Upsilon Delta Sigma, University of Dayton forensic society, will debate a team representing the University of Vermont at St. Elizabeth hospital Wednesday evening at 8. The Dayton men comprise a negative combination that has met with considerable success in its previous encounters this year. Recently returned from an extended trip in the east, Flyers are prepared to meet the debaters on the question, Resolved: "That the should agree to prevent the international shipment of arms and munitions." Both C.
A. Rogers and W. Myers, the debaters representing the University, the of Vermont, affirmative, who will senior upare students of considerable experience in forensic work. Will Be Paroled Sentenced to London prison farm in 1931 for slaying Leslie Noble, 20, Negro, during a fight at 829 Frizell Charles Dudley, 42, Negro, will be paroled May 1. PAY ROLL TAXES FOR SECURITY PLAN OPPOSED WASHINGTON, March -Opposition to the taxes which the social security bill would impose crystallized today in a new move to strike from the bill the sections setting up a compulsory, contributory, old-age annuity system.
Members of the house ways and means committee reserved comment on this movement until the issue was decided. But their private comments showed they were split. opposition centered about the fact that the system would up taxes on pay rolls, beginning at 2 per cent on Jan. 1, 1937, and reaching 6 per by 1949. Half of the tax would paid by the employer, half by the employe.
The worker would get a annuity after he reached 65. Estimates given to the committee said that in a normal year a 5 per cent pay roll tax should produce around $1,000,000,000. Some committeemen that too heavy a burden to impose 1 upon business until the depression 18 definitely over. In addition to his half of the 6 per cent tax, each, employer would be required another 3 per cent on his pay roll for unemployment insurance after Jan. 1, 1938.
A number of the committeemen insist that would increase employer's burden beyond the breaking point. These members argue that they are not opposing the position of the president; that his aim simply is old age assistance the needy and job insurance for employed. Therefore, they, contend, the compulsory, contributory taxes should be removed entirely. The bill now sets up three forms of aid for those over 65: First, assistance to the needy with the federal government's contribution limited to $15 a month; second, the compulsory, contributory plan, and, third, the voluntary, annuity -which works insurance annuity and which is available to workers above the $3000-a-year class. Only yesterday, by the narrow margin of 13 to 11, the committee rejected a motion to eliminate the voluntary annuity plan.
The argument against that was. that it put the federal government into THE BARLOW MOTOR CAR CO. CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH 355 8. MAIN ST. DISTRIBUTORS FUlton 5171 'Dayton's Largest Plymouth Dealer" new field of competition with private business.
took that attitude did succeed in reducing from $100 to. $50 a month the maximum annuity which an individual could buy. Frank Fahy Honored With Dinner Meeting YELLOW SPRINGS, March 027. -Frank E. Fahy, assistant professor engineering Antioch college, will leave day to accept, a position in the research development department of the Bethlehem Steel Bethlehem, Pa.
Robert E. Gohl of Dayton, resident engineer in charge of the Dayton Morgan Engineering will succeed Fahy at Antioch. Gohl was invited to the dinner, but was unable to attend. He was an Antioch student from 1925 to 1928. Fire Damages Homes the Fire L.
B. caused Pickett by sparks damaged residence, 902 Riverview av, to the extent of $1000 Tuesday. The flames spread to the Elizabeth Steger home, 908 Riverview causing $100 loss. Permit Restored Permit Restored The board of liquor control Wednesday reinstated the permit of Eilliam Dilts. At the same time the board permitted the transfer of the license to Cloyd A.
Horn. Sheriff Pledges Aid in Crime War Members of the local chapter of W. C. T. U.
were assured by Sheriff W. L. Case at a meeting of the organization at his home Tuesday afternoon that he would do his best to rid Montgomery co. of crime. In his address before the temperance group Sheriff Case plained the operations and condiof the county jail and cona tour of inspection.
Other speakers on the program included Rev. Perry J. Prather, paster of the First Church Brethren, who decried the liquor serving restaurants; C. E. Dowdel, lecturer the anticigaret league, and Rev.
Bert Bruffet, pastor of Christian tabernacle, and S. E. Rasey, Beavertown, both of whom spoke on furtherance of the union's ideals. Former Military Home Chef Dead Funeral services for Harry Isggrigg, 66, former National Military home chef, who died Tuesday evening at his home, 356 Lookout after an illness of two years, will be held Saturday morning. The body has been removed to the Grant Riesinger funeral home.
He is survived by his widow, Josephine; a brother, Fred; one sister, Mrs. Irene Marshall; two daughters, Betty and Lydia, and two sons, William and Thomas. Dayton Towne and Country 18 West First Street Dayton, Ohio High Fashions at Low Prices Coats and Suits from $25.00 Aristocrats of the Tweeds Dresses from $15.00 The Basic-Simply Tailored Silks Hats from $5.00 Designed by Best Studios Lenore Zapoleon Mary Caldwell RAIN OR SNOW FORECAST HERE Rain Wednesday night possibly changing into snow Thursday with decided drop in temperatures Thursday and Thursday night was the weather forecast for Dayton and the Miami valley by L. J. Guthrie, federal meteorologist stationed here.
Highest temperature for the 24 hour period ending at 8 a. m. Wednesday, when the mercury stood at 44 degrees, was 60 degrees at 5 p. m. Tuesday.
Low for the same period was 42 degrees at 7 a. m. Wednesday. Dr. Barr to Speak "A Doctor Reads the Guide Posts" is the topic upon which Dr.
Frederick G. Barr, welfare director of the National Cash Register will speak Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. in the Y. M.
C. A. auditorium at the second of a series of preEaster meetings being conducted by the Hi-Y clubs of Dayton and Montgomery co. Preceding the talk, the octet of Wilberforce university will sing. People's League "The Abuses of the Holding Company as Applied to Electric and Gas Companies" will be the subject of discussion at the next biweekly meeting of the People's league, Thursday, at 8:15 p.
in the Y. M. C. A. Brother Is Sought Dayton police are seeking Floyd Dunavant of Springfield to notify him that his brother, Garrett, is dead in that city.
Dunavant is believed to be in Dayton on busiIness. Officer Promoted The promotion of John. Luth-. man, infantry reserve officer of 3508 Wayne from first lieutenant to the rank of captain was Wednesday." Capt. war Luthman department is at present on active duty with the CCC at Ft.
Knox, Ky. WATCH REPAIRING We can repair a i nspring clean your watch as low Jewel, Stem, Sleeve or as No Better Work At Any Price Guaranteed Unbreakable Crystals 19c 5e to $1 Store F. W. GRAND 44 8. MAIN JEN WILL FEEL HURT WE DIDN'T NOTICED B.O.' I WOULDN'T MISS MY ASK HER COME ALONG, TOO THEY CANT MEAN IT TO LIFEBUOY BATHS FOR BUT, MAY, WHY IS SHE SO CARELESS BUT I WON'T TAKE ANYTHING! THEY MAKE YOU AND I BOTH NOTICED "B.O.
LAST TIME CHANCES.ILL GET ME FEEL SO FRESH AND LIFEBUOY CLEAN. AND HOW AND JEN WAS SITTING WONDERFULLY LIFEBUOY RIGHT BEHIND THEM AGREES WITH MY SKIN! OVERHEARD! "B.O. GONE she's invited YOU MUST SPEND NO, I JUST WASH A FORTUNE TO MY FACE WITH everywhere now! KEEP YOUR LIFEBUOY REMEMBER, JEN, OUR SKIN SO NICE REGULAR DATE AT YES, AND ILL SEE YOU THE MOVIES AT MAY'S LUNCHEON TOMORROW THE DAY AFTER THAT could be simpler or less costly than cleansthe face daily with Lifebuoy's gentle, purify. ing lather? Yet what wonders it can do for your complexion! It penetrates deeply; washes away poreclogging impurities; leaves the skin fairly sparkling with cleanliness, glowing with new radiant health. never takes a holiday Summer or winter we perspire at least a quart daily.
There's always danger of (body odor). Play safe- bathe regularly with Lifebuoy. Even in hardest water it lathers richly and abundantly, purifies and deodorizes pores, stops "B.O." Its vanishes fresh as clean you scent, rinse, tells that LIFEBUOY you Lifebuoy protects. Approved by Good Housekeeping Bureau I was working way late at office one night and ran out of cigarettes. When Jim the watchman came through I tackled him for a smoke.
"Sure," says Jim, and handed over a pack of Chesterfields. "Go ahead, Mr. Kent, take three or four." Jim said he'd smoked a lot of cigarettes in his time, but he'd put Chesterfield up in front of any of 'em when it came to taste. "and they ain't a bit strong either," is the way Jim put it. That was the first Chesterfield 1 ever smoked.
And I'm right there with him, too, when he says it's a ding good cigarette. On the air MONDAY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY LUCREZIA LILY RICHARD BORI PONS BONELLI KOSTELANETZ ORCHESTRA AND CHORUS 9P.M. (E. S. COLUMBIA NETWORK out about Chesterfield the I how people find.