윤환수 교수님(Hwan Su Yoon) (2024)

윤환수 교수님(Hwan Su Yoon)

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작성일 21-04-27 17:23


윤환수 교수님(Hwan Su Yoon) (1)

윤환수 (Hwan Su Yoon)

윤환수 교수님(Hwan Su Yoon) (2)










제2과학관 32354B



연구실 소개

연구 분야: 우리연구실은광합성생물인조류 (Algae)대상으로유전체데이터를이용하여엽록체의기원과진핵생물의진화과정을이해하기위한연구를진행하고있습니다.

-홍조식물 계통분석 및 유전체 연구
-부등편모조식물 계통분석 및 유전체 연구
-광합성 폴리넬라의 독립적인 색소체 진화
-황록조류의 성의 분화 및 진화

응용분야또는산물(product):우리연구실은기본적인분자생물학적실험방법과함께빅데이터를분석하는생물정보학적방법을결합하여다양한진화현상을밝히는연구를수행하고있습니다. 생물정보학적접근을통해바이오의약분야를포함한다양한생물연구분야에응용될수있고, 조류에서생산되는독특한물질에기반한바이오소재를발굴하는연구에활용되고있습니다.

산학협력사례또는취업분야:우리연구실의졸업생들은대학정부출연연구기관(한국해양과학기술원, 국립생물자원관)교수연구직에서근무하고있으며, 국내바이오분야회사인씨젠, LG생활건강, 삼성바이오에피스등에취직하였습니다.

연구실소개영상링크: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4Gf-tvZkRE

Research Background

My research interests are focused on understanding the biodiversity, phylogeny, and genome evolution of photosynthetic eukaryotes. In particular, we are interested in plastid evolution of the red algae and red algal plastid descendants (e.g., chromalveolate algae including the cryptophytes, haptophytes, stramenopiles, dinoflagellates, apicomplexa and ciliates). We also studyPaulinella, which has recently acquired its plastid from aSynechococcus-like cyanobacterium. With this system we have the rare opportunity to study some of the earliest steps in plastid establishment. To do so, we use comparative genomics, phylogenomics, and morphological data of both photosynthetic and heterotrophicPaulinellaspecies. We recently developed the single cell genome sequencing from individual cells of protists. Single cell genomics approach opens novel opportunities to study protist, prokaryote, and viral interactions in situ, without cultivation artifacts. This powerful method could be employed in diverse research area to address fundamental biological questions.

Origin of Plastids and Evolutionary Timeline

Photosynthetic eukaryotes (algae and plants) play an important role as primary producers that form the base of the food chain for life on earth. However, in the Eukaryotic Tree of Life, photosynthetic lineages are not monophyletic but positioned in four supergroups that suggest complicated evolutionary histories for the origin of plastids. It is well known that the first eukaryotic photosynthesis started from a primary endosymbiosis event between an ancestral heterotrophic protist and a captured cyanobacterium that gave rise to the glaucophytes, red algae and Viridiplantae (green algae and land plants). These primary plastids were then transferred to other eukaryotic groups through secondary endosymbiosis.

윤환수 교수님(Hwan Su Yoon) (3)

A red alga was captured by the ancestor(s) of the stramenopiles, alveolates (dinoflagellates, apicomplexa, chromeridae), cryptophytes and haptophytes, whereas green algae were captured independently by the common ancestors of the euglenophytes and chlorarachniophytes. We are working on the origin of plastids, especially of the red algae and red algal descendants. We also estimated evolutionary timeline for the primary endosymbiosis as ca. 1500 MYA, and 1300 MYA for the secondary endosymbiosis using molecular clock method (see above figure from Yoon et al. 2004).

  • Yoon et al. 2004. A molecular timeline for the origin of photosynthetic eukaryotes.MolecularBiology and Evolution21: 809-818.
  • Yoon et al. 2002. The single, ancient origin of Chromist plastids.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America99: 15507-15512.
  • Yoon et al. 2002. A single origin of the peridinin-, and fucoxanthin-containing plastids in dinoflagellates through tertiary endosymbiosis.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America99: 11724-11729.

Red Algal Tree of Life (RedToL)

The red algae (Rhodophyta) form a distinct photosynthetic eukaryotic lineage that consists of around 6,400 species including unicellular to large multicellular taxa. The red algae are unique among eukaryotes in lacking both flagella and centrioles. Pit connections, pit plugs, and a triphasic life cycle are mostly found in the Florideophyceae. Plastid is bounded by two membranes and contains chlorophyll-a, phycocyanin, and phycoerythrin as photosynthetic pigments. These pigment complexes, organized in phycobilisomes, are located on the surface of unstacked thylakoid membranes to capture light energy. As a storage product, the red algae produce granulated floridean starch in the cytoplasm. In addition to these unique features, the monophyly of red algae is strongly supported by nuclear, plastid, and mitochondrial gene trees. In 2006, we analyzed multigene and suggested revised seven-class system with two newly established classes (Stylonematophyceae, Compsopogonophyceae) (Yoon et al. 2006). To enhance our understanding of red algal biology, we started theRedToLteam includes the most prominent active national and international red algal specialists from different generations who use different methods.

As the Lead PI from eight international institutions, my lab is responsible for: 1) coordinating activities ofRedToL, 2) providing a broad taxonomic expertise about six classes of non-florideophycean red algae, 3) generating 16 complete plastid and mitochondrial genome sequences, and 4) doing the wet lab work to support sequencing of 16 transcriptomes from red algae. Currently we are completing ca. 30 red algal organellear genomes with draft genome data using our own Ion Torrent PGM machine. Several exciting papers have been published as below, and many will be coming soon.

  • Qiu et al. 2013. Adaptation through horizontal gene transfer in the cryptoendolithic red algaGaldieria phlegrea.Current Biology. 23: R865-R866.
  • Bhattacharya et al. 2013. Genome of the red algaPorphyridium purpureum.Nature Communications4:1941.
  • Yoon et al. 2006. Defining the major lineages of red algae (Rhodophyta).Journal of Phycology42: 482-492.

Heterokont Tree of Life

The Heterokontophyta (= stramenopiles) is a monophyletic group of eukaryotes that possess tripartite hairs along one flagellum. Twenty-one classes are recognized including five nonphotosynthetic groups. The heterokonts comprise more than 100,000 species including very diverse life forms from single cells tolarge plasmodia to complex multicellular thalli. The best known members of the group are the colorless oomycetes (aquatic ‘fungi’), diatoms, chrysophyte algae, and giant kelp seaweeds. Photosynthetic heterokont algae are the predominant eukaryotes in most aquatic environments, and they play an important role in ecosystems as major primary producers. Molecular data had consistently recovered monophyletic classes for the heterokont algae, however, the relationships among the classes had remained only partially resolved. To address phylogenetic relationships of the heterokont algae, our lab has been collaborated with Dr. Robert A. Anderson, the most prominent heterokont specialist. We analyzed multigene data (e.g., a five-gene data in Yang et al. 2012) from 89 taxa representing all 16 heterokont classes to infer a phylogenetic tree. We found three major clades.

윤환수 교수님(Hwan Su Yoon) (5)

The Aurearenophyceae, Chrysomerophyceae, Phaeophyceae, Phaeothamniophyceae, Raphidophyceae, Schizocladiophyceae and Xanthophyceae formed the SI clade. The Chrysophyceae, Eustigmatophyceae, Pinguiophyceae, Synchromophyceae and Synurophyceae formed the SII clade. The Bacillariophyceae, Bolidophyceae, Dictyochophyceae and Pelagophyceae formed the SIII clade. We are currently updating the analysis with seven-gene data from 130 taxa (Graf et al. in preparation). We have started genome sequencing from several taxonomically, economically, and biochemically important taxa with hoping to address evolutionary history of the heterokont algae.

  • Yang et al. 2012. Supermatrix data highlight phylogenetic relationships of photosynthetic stramenopiles.Protist163: 217-231.
  • Yoon et al. 2009. Stramenopiles.In: Encyclopedia of microbiology, third edition. (Ed.) M. Schaechter. Pp. 721-731.Elsevier Ltd. Oxford, UK.
  • Boo et al. 2010. Complex phylogeographic patterns in the freshwater algaSynuraprovide new insights into ubiquity vs. endemism in microbial eukaryotes. (see above cover photo).Molecular Ecology19:4328 – 4338.


The origin of photosynthesis in eukaryotes stems from a single primary endosymbiosis between a heterotrophic protist cell and a cyanobacterium that occurred more than 1.5 billion years ago. Primary endosymbiosis is therefore a critical feature of eukaryotic evolution; however, it is difficult to study because of the long evolutionary time span that has passed since primary plastid origin. The filose amoebaPaulinella chromatophorais an exceptional species that contains two plastids, referred to as “chromatophores,” that originated from aSynechococcus-like cyanobacterium. PhotosyntheticPaulinellaprovides an ideal model to gain insights into the origin of photoautotrophy because its nine sister species are all heterotrophs that prey on cyanobacteria. Since 2006, we studiedPaulinellausing genomics approaches for the biodiversity surveys and plastid and nuclear genome data. Draft genome data from heterotrophicPaulinellausing the single-cell genomics approach demonstrate two cases of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) from cyanobacteria, demonstrating that prey items are potential sources of foreign DNA in these taxa. Genome data from photosyntheticPaulinellaprovide evidence of massive gene loss from the chromatophore genome, endosymbiotic gene transfer (EGT) to the host nucleus, and the potential establishment of a plastid protein import system that relies on the secretory pathway in the amoeba. We also present recent data regarding postendosymbiotic speciation in photosyntheticPaulinellaand lineage specific differential gene loss and EGT.

윤환수 교수님(Hwan Su Yoon) (6)

This ongoing genomic study (supported by the Next-Generation BioGreen21 program, RDA, Korea) is focusing on the genomic adaptation that responded on the initial step of plastid establishment that eventually use to understand major primary endosymbiosis that gave rise to the glaucophytes, red and green algal lineages.

  • Qiu et al. 2012. Ancient gene paralogy may mislead inference of plastid phylogeny.Molecular Biology and Evolution29: 3333-3343.
  • Reyes-Prieto et al. 2010. Differential gene retention in plastid of recent origin.MolecularBiology and Evolution27:1530 – 1537.
  • Yoon et al. 2006. Minimal plastid genome evolution in thePaulinellaendosymbiont.Current Biology16:R670-R672.

Single Cell Genomics

Single Cell Genomics (SCG) is a cutting-edge method that has recently been gaining wide popularity. This approach comprises two steps. The first is to isolate individual cells using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), which can be used to isolate specific cellular groups based on their size and pigment content, and the second step is to amplify whole genomes for NGS. Using the Bigelow Laboratory Single Cell Genomics Center (SCGC,https://scgc.bigelow.org/), we firstly reported the in-depth single-cell genome of a eukaryote (Yoon et al. 2011). We provided genomic information from three wild-caught cells of uncultivated small eukaryotes, the picobiliphytes that were identified microscopically by Not et al. (2007) using 18S rRNA gene-based FISH. From a total 270 Mbp of draft-genome data (90 Mbp from each cell), they identified not only nuclear genome of picobiliphytes but also a significant fraction of DNA sequences that were related to viruses, phages, Bacteroidetes and Proteobacteria, which are likely to be protist food sources. Another example of eukaryotic single-cell genomics study is for the heterotrophicPaulinella ovalis(Bhattacharya et al., 2012).Paulinellaovalisingests cyanobacteria in food vacuoles (Johnson et al., 1988) that clearly differ from photoautotrophicPaulinella chromatophora. Using single-cell genomic methods, six genomes ofPaulinella ovalis-like cells were sequenced using 454 and Illumina GAIIx platforms.

윤환수 교수님(Hwan Su Yoon) (7)

From this study, two cyanobacterial-derived HGT were identified (i.e. DAP epimerase and leucyl-tRNA synthetase) in the nuclear DNA with two flanking genes of eukaryotic origin. These results provide a possible scenario for the acquisition of a primary plastid by phagotrophicPaulinellacells that feed on cyanobacterial prey. The single-cell genomics approach not only opens up the new field of single-cell metagenomics to understand microbial eukaryote–environment interactions and feeding behavior but also provides comprehensive datasets required to understand the initial stage of endosymbiosis with E/HGT in nature and to reconstruct an informed Eukaryotic Tree of Life. Metagenomic approaches using NGS are one way to increase our knowledge about these little-known groups. Moreover, this approach cannot only be used to study photosynthetic eukaryotic algal biodiversity in general, but also allows the characterization of the environmental distribution of eukaryotic algae as a means to characterize specific biotopes.

  • Yoon et al. 2011. Single cell genomes reveal the dynamic world of uncultured marine protists.Science332: 714-717.
  • Bhattacharya et al. 2012. Single cell genome analysis supports a link between phagotrophy and primary plastid endosymbiosis.Scientific Reports2: 356.

Peer review paper


  1. Chung Hyun Cho, Seung In Park, Tzu-Yen Huang, Yongsung Lee, Claudia Ciniglia, Hari Chandana Yadavalli, Seong Wook Yang, Debashish Bhattacharya & Hwan Su Yoon*. 2023. Genome-wide signatures of adaptation to extreme environments inred algae. Nature Communications 14, Article 10.https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-35566x(*corresponding authors).


  1. Timothy G Stephens, JunMo Lee, YuJin Jeong, Hwan Su Yoon, Hollie M Putnam, Eva Majerová, Debashish Bhattacharya. 2022. High-quality genome assembles from key Hawaiian coral species. GigaScience, 11, 2022, giac098, https://doi.org/10.1093/gigascience/giac098
  2. Ga Hun Boo, Line Le Gall, Il Ki Hwang, Florence Rousseau and Hwan Su Yoon*. 2022. Species Diversity of Gelidium from Southern Madagascar Evaluated by an Integrative Taxonomic Approach. Diversity-Basel 14(10), 826. https://doi.org/10.3390/d14100826 (*corresponding authors).
  3. Louis Graf, Youn hee Shin, Ji Hyun Yang, Il Ki Hwang, Hwan Su Yoon*. Transcriptome analysis reveals the spatial and temporal differentiation of gene expression in the sporophyte of Undaria pinnatifida. Algal Research 68(2022) 102883. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.algal.2022.102883. (*corresponding authors).
  4. Eun Kyoung Hwang, Ga Hun Boo, Louis Graf, Charles Yarish, Hwan Su Yoon*, Jang Kyun Kim*.2022. Kelps in Korea: from population structure to aquaculture to potential carbon sequestration. Algae 37(2):85-103. https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2022.37.3.3 (*corresponding authors).
  5. Ga Hun Boo, Frederik Leliaert, Line Le Gall, Eric Coppejans, Olivier De Clerck, Tu Van Nguyen, Claude E. Payri, Kathy Ann Miller and Hwan Su Yoon*. 2022. Ancient Tethyan Vicariance and Long-Distance Dispersal Drive Global Diversification and Cryptic Speciation in the Red Seaweed Pterocladiella. Frontiers in Plant Science 13: Article 849476. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2022.849476 (*corresponding authors).
  6. Ga Hun Boo,Jeong Kwang Park,Kyu Sam Han &Hwan Su Yoon*.2022. Gelidium rosulatum (Gelidiales, Rhodophyta), a new species of subtidal marine algae from Korea. Phycologia 61:3.https://doi.org/10.1080/00318884.2022.2046933 (*corresponding authors).
  7. Dongseok Kim, JunMo Lee, Chung Hyun Cho, Eun Jeung Kim, Debashish Bhattacharya and Hwan Su Yoon*. 2022. Group II intron and repeat-rich red algal mitochondrial genomes demonstrate the dynamic recent history of autocatalytic RNAs. BMC Biology 20:2. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12915-021-01200-3 (*corresponding authors).


  1. Louis Graf, Hwan Su Yoon*. 2021. Olisthodiscophyceae, the 17th heterokont algal class. Journal of Phycology. 57(4):1091-1093. https://doi.org/10.1111/jpy.13184(*corresponding authors).
  2. Halim Park, Jin Hwa Park, Yejin Lee, Dong U Woo, Ho Hwi Jeon, Yeon Woo Sung, Sangrea Shim, Sang Hee Kim, Kyun Oh Lee, Jae-Yean Kim, Chang-Kug Kim, Debashish Bhattacharya, Hwan Su Yoon*& Yang Jae Kang*.2021.Genome of the world’s smallest flowering plant, Wolffia australiana, helps explain its specialized physiology and unique morphology. Communications Biology (2021) 4:900. https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-021-02422-5(*correspondingauthors).
  3. Hocheol Kim, Do-Yun Lee, Chang Wan Seo, Chung Hyun Cho, Hwan Su Yoon*. 2021. Complete plastid genome of Cumathamnion serrulatum (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta). Mitochondrial DNA Part B 6(7)2009-2011. https://doi.org/10.1080/23802359.2021.1920489(*corresponding authors).
  4. JunMo Lee, Hwan Su Yoon*. 2021. Metagenome Analysis of a Rhodolith Microbial community provides Evidence for Re-cycling of Nitrogen Sources within the Holobiont. Aquatic Nature 1(1)57-69. https://doi.org/10.4490/an.2021.1.1.6(*correspondingauthors).
  5. Su Yeon Kim, Chung Hyun Cho, Eun Chan Yang, Hwan Su Yoon& Myung Sook Kim. 2021. Complete mitochondrial genome of Polyopes lancifolius and comparison with related species in Halymeniales (Rhodophyta). Mitochondrial DNA Part B. 6(4)1365-1366. https://doi.org/10.1080/23802359.2021.1908866
  6. Duckhyun Lhee, Debashish Bhattacharya, Hwan Su Yoon*. 2021. Independent evolution of the thioredoxin system in photosynthetic Paulinellaspecies. Current Biology 31: R311-R329. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2021.02.029(*corresponding authors).
  7. Jaedeok Kim, Aamir Lal, Eui-Joon Kil, Hae-Ryun Kwak, Hwan-Su Yoon, Hong-Soo Choi, Mikyeong Kim, Muhammad Ali, Sukchan Lee, Adaptation and Codon-Usage Preference of Apple and Pear-Infecting Apple Stem Grooving Viruses. Microorganisms 2021, 9(6), 1111; https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms9061111
  8. Khaoula Ettahi, Duckhyun Lhee, Ji Yeon Sung, Alastair G.B. Simpson, Jong Soo Park*, and Hwan Su Yoon*. 2021. Evolutionary history of mitochondrial genomes in Discoba, including the extreme halophile Pleurostomum flabellatum(Heterolobosea). Genome Biology and Evolution 13: evaa241. https://doi.org/10.1093/gbe/evaa241(*corresponding authors).
  9. Louis Graf, Younhee Shin, Ji Hyun Yang, Ji Won Choi, Il Ki Hwang, Wendy Nelson, Debashish Bhattacharya, Frédérique Viard and Hwan Su Yoon*. 2021. A genome-wide investigation of the effect of farming and human-mediated introduction on the ubiquitous seaweed Undaria pinnatifida. Nature Ecology and Evolution 5: 360-368. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-020-01378-9.(*corresponding authors).
  10. Duckhyun Lhee, JunMo Lee, Khaoula Ettahi, Chung Hyun Cho, Ji-San Ha, Ya-Fan Chan, Udi Zelzion, Timothy G Stephens, Dana C Price, Arwa Gabr, Eva C M Nowack, Debashish Bhattacharya*, Hwan Su Yoon*. 2021. Amoeba genome reveals dominant host contribution to plastid endosymbiosis. 38:344-357.https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msaa206. (*corresponding authors).
  11. Chung Hyun Cho, Sunghoon Jang, Bae Young Choi, Daewoong Hong, Du Seok Choi, Sera Choi, Haseong Kim, Seong Kyu Han, Sanguk Kim, Min-Sung Kim, Michael Palmgren, Kee Hoon Sohn*, Hwan Su Yoon*, Youngsook Lee*. 2021. Phylogenetic analysis of ABCG subfamily proteins in plants: functional clustering and coevolution with ABCGs of pathogens. Physiologia Plantarum. 172: 1422 - 1438. https://doi.org/10.1111/ppl.13052(*corresponding authors).


  1. Louis Graf, Eun Chan Yang, Kwi Young Han, Frithjof C. Küpper, Kylla M. Benes, Jason K. Oyadomari, Roger J.H. Herbert, Heroen Verbruggen, Richard Wetherbee, Robert A. Andersen*,andHwan Su Yoon*. Multigenephylogeny, morphological observation and re-examination of the literature lead to the eescription of the Phaeosacciophyceae classis nova and four new species of the Heterokontophyta SI clade.Protist 171: 125781.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.protis.2020.125781(*corresponding authors).

  2. Shao-Lun Liu, Yin-Ru Chiang,Hwan Su Yoon, and Han-Yi Fu. 2020. Comparative genome analsysis revealsCyanidiococcusgen. nov., a new extremophilic algal genus sister toCyanidioschyzon(Cyanidioschyzonaceae, Rhodophyta).Journal of Phycology 56: 1428-1442.https://doi.org/10.1111/jpy.13056

  3. Louis Graf, Eun Chan Yang, Ga Hun Boo, Robert A. Andersen*,Hwan Su Yoon*. 2020. Further investigations on the Phaeothamniophyceae using a multigene phylogeny, with descriptions of five new species. Journal of Phycology 56:358-379.https://doi.org/10.1111/jpy.12950(*corresponding authors).

  4. Ji Won Choi, Louis Graf, Akira F. Peters,J. Mark co*ck, Koki Nish*tsuji, Asuka Arimoto, Eiichi Shoguchi, Chikako Nagasato, Chang Geun Choi,Hwan Su Yoon*. 2020. Organelle inheritance and genome architecture variation in isogamous brown algae. Scientific Reports 10, 2048.https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-58817-7(*corresponding authors).

  5. Chung Hyun Cho, Seung In Park, Claudia Ciniglia, Eun Chan Yang, Louis Graf, Debashish Bhattacharya,Hwan Su Yoon*.2020. Potential causes and consequences of rapid mitochondrial genome evolution in thermoacidophilicGaldieria(Rhodophyta).BMC Evol Biol20:112.https://doi.org/10.1186/s12862-020-01677-6(*corresponding authors).

  6. Simon M Dittami, Erwan Corre, Loraine Brillet-Guéguen, Agnieszka P Lipinska, Noé Pontoizeau, Meziane Aite, Komlan Avia, Christophe Caron, Chung Hyun Cho, Jonas Collén, Alexandre Cormier, Ludovic Delage, Sylvie Doubleau, Clémence Frioux, Angélique Gobet, Irene González-Navarrete, Agnès Groisillier, Cécile Hervé, Didier Jollivet, Hetty KleinJan, Catherine Leblanc, Xi Liu, Dominique Marie, Gabriel V Markov, Andre E Minoche, Misharl Monsoor, Pierre Pericard, Marie-Mathilde Perrineau, Akira F Peters, Anne Siegel, Amandine Simeon, Camille Trottier,Hwan Su Yoon, Heinz Himmelbauer, Catherine Boyen, Thierry Tonon. 2020. The genome ofEctocarpus subulatus–a highly stress-tolerant brown alga. Marine Genomics.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margen.2020.100740

  7. Eun Kyoung Hwang, Ji Won Choi,Hwan Su Yoon, Chan Sun Park. 2020.Morphological and genetic differences between Korean Sugwawon No. 301 and Chinese Huangguan No. 1 strains of Saccharina japonica (Phaeophyceae) in a Korean aquaculture farm. Journal of Applied Phycologyhttps://doi.org/10.1007/s10811-019-02029-8


  1. JunMo Lee,DongseokKim, Debashish Bhattacharya,Hwan Su Yoon*. 2019. Expansion of phycobilisome linker gene families in mesophilic red algae. Nature Communications 10:4823.https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-12779-1(*corresponding authors).

  2. Thomas Sauvage,William E Schmidt,Hwan Su Yoon, Valerie J Paul, Suzanne Fredericq. 2019. Promising prospects of nanopore sequencing for algal hologenomics and structural variation discovery. BMC Genomics 20(1): 850.https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-019-6248-2

  3. Chung Hyun Cho, Sunghoon Jang, Bae Young Choi, Daewoong Hong, Du Seok Choi, Sera Choi, Haseong Kim, Seong Kyu Han, Sanguk Kim, Min-Sung Kim, Michael Palmgren, Kee Hoon Sohn*,Hwan Su Yoon*, Youngsook Lee*. 2019. Phylogenetic analysis of ABCG subfamily proteins in plants: functional clustering and coevolution with ABCGs of pathogens. Physiologia Plantarum. Accepted.https://doi.org/10.1111/ppl.13052(*corresponding authors).

  4. Md Abdur Razzak,JunMo Lee, Dong Wook Lee, Jeong Hee Kim, Hwan Su Yoon, Inhwan Hwang. 2019. Expression of seven carbonic anhydrases in red alga Gracilariopsis chorda and their subcellular localization in a heterologous system,Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Reports 38: 214-159.https://doi.org/10.1007/s00299-018-2356-8

  5. Louis Graf, Eun Chan Yang, Ga Hun Boo, Robert A. Andersen, Hwan Su Yoon. 2019. Further investigation on the Phaeothamniophyceae using multigene phylogeny with description of five new species. Journal of Phycologyhttps://doi.org/10.1111/jpy.12950(*corresponding authors).

  6. Claudia Ciniglia, Paola Cennamo, Antonino De Natale, Mario De Stefano, Maria Sirakov, Manuela Iovinella,Hwan Su Yoonand Antonino Pollio. 2019.Cyanidium chilense(Cyanidiophyceae, Rhodophyta) from tuff rocks of the archeological site of Cuma, Italy. Phycological Research 67(4): 311-319.https://doi.org/10.1111/pre.12383

  7. Kwi Young Han, Kacper Maciszewski, Louis Graf, Ji Hyun Yang, Robert A. Andersen, Anna Karnkowska,Hwan Su Yoon. 2019. Dictyochophyceae plastid genomes reveal unusual variability in their organization. Journal of Phycology 55: 1166-1180.https://doi.org/10.1111/jpy.12904. (*corresponding authors).

  8. Gayle I. Hansen, John A. West,Hwan Su Yoon, Christopher D. Goodman, Susan Loiseaux-de Goër and Giuseppe C. Zuccarello. 2019.Viator vitreocolagen. et sp. nov. (Stylonematophyceae), a new red alga on drift glass debris in Oregon and Washington, USA. Algae 34(2): 71-90.https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2019.34.5.20

  9. Sang Eun Jeong, Kyung Hyun Kim, Duckhyun Lhee,Hwan Su Yoon, Zhe-Xue Quan, En-Young Lee, Che Ok Jeon.Oceaniradius stylonematisgen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from a red alga,Stylonema cornu-cervi.International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiologyhttps://doi.org/10.1099/ijsem.0.003413

  10. Dana C Price, Ursula W Goodenough, Robyn Roth, Jae-Hyeok Lee, Thamali Kariyawasam, Marek Mutwil, Camilla Ferrari, Fabio Facchinelli, Steven G Ball, Ugo Cenci, Cheong Xin Chan, Nicole E Wagner,Hwan Su Yoon, Andreas P M Weber, Debashish Bhattacharya. 2019.Analysis of an improvedCyanophora paradoxagenome assembly. DNA Research 26: 287-299.https://doi.org/10.1093/dnares/dsz009

  11. Duckhyun Lhee, Ji-San Ha, Sunju Kim, Myung Gil Park, Debashish Bhattacharya andHwan Su Yoon*.2019. Evolutionary dynamics of the chromatophore genome in three photosyntheticPaulinellaspecies. Scientific Reports 9: 2560.https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-38621-8(*corresponding authors).

  12. Dongseok Kim, JunMo Lee, Ji Won Choi, Ji Hyun Yang, Il-Ki Hwang, andHwan Su Yoon*. 2019. Flip-flop organization in the chloroplast genome ofCapsosiphon fulvescens(Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta). Journal of Phycology 55: 214-223.https://doi.org/10.1111/jpy.12811(*corresponding authors).

  13. Jong Im Kim, Hyunmoon Shin, Pavel Skaloud, Jaehee Jung, Hwan Su Yoon, John M. Archibald, and Woongghi Shin. 2019. Comparative plastid genomics of Synurophyceae: inverted repeat dynamics and gene content variation. BMC Evolutionary Biology 19: 20.https://doi.org/10.1186/s12862-018-1316-9

  14. Alexander Shumaker, Hollie M. Putnam, Huan Qiu, Dana C. Price, Ehud Zelzion, Arye Harel, Nicole E. Wagner, Ruth D. Gates,Hwan Su Yoonand Debashish Bhattacharya. 2019. Genome analysis of the rice coralMontipora capitata. Scientific Reports 9: 2571.https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-39274-3


  1. JunMo Lee, HaeJung Song, Seung In Park, Yu Min Lee, So Young Jeong, Tae Oh Cho, Ji Hee Kim, Han-Gu Choi, Chang Geun Choi, Wendy A. Nelson, SuzanneFredericq, Debashish Bhattacharya, and Hwan Su Yoon*. 2018.Mitochondrial and plastidGenomes from Coralline Red Algae Provide Insights into the Incongruent Evolutionary Histories of Organelles.Genome Biology Evolution 10(11):2961-2972.https://doi.org/10.1093/gbe/evy222(*corresponding authors).

  2. JunMo Lee, Eun Chan Yang, Louis Graf, Ji Hyun Yang, Huan Qiu, Udi Zel Zion, Cheong Xin Chan, Timothy G. Stephens, Andreas P. M. Weber, Ga Hun Boo, Sung Min Boo, Kyeong Mi Kim, Younhee Shin, Myunghee Jung, Seung Jae Lee, Hyung-Soon Yim, Jung-Hyun Lee, Debashish Bhattacharya, and Hwan Su Yoon*. 2018. Analysis of the draft genome of the red seaweed Gracilariopsis chorda provides insights into genome size evolution in Rhodophyta. Molecular Biology and Evolution 35(8): 1869-1886.https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msy081(*corresponding authors).
  3. Fatima Foflonker, Devin Mollegard, Meichin Ong, Hwan Su Yoon, and Debashish Bhattacharya. 2018. Genomic analysis of Picochlorum species reveals how microalgae may adapt to variable environments. Molecular Biology and Evolution 35(11): 2702-2711.https://doi:10.1093/molbev/msy167
  4. Chung Hyun Cho, Ji Won Choi, Daryl W. Lam, Kyeong Mi Kim, and Hwan Su Yoon*. 2018. Plastid genome analysis of three Nemaliophycidae red algal species suggests environmental adaptation for iron limited habitats. PLoS One 13(5): e0196995.https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0196995(*corresponding authors).
  5. Debashish Bhattacharya, Huan Qiu, JunMo Lee, Hwan Su Yoon, Andreas P. M. Weber, and Dana C. Price. When less is more: Red algae as models for studying gene loss and genome evolution in eukaryotes. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 37: 81-99.https://doi.org/10.1080/07352689.2018.1482364
  6. Myoung-Suk Cho, Hwan Su Yoon, and Seung-Chul Kim. 2018. Complete chloroplast genome of cultivated flowering cherry, Prunus x yendoensis ‘Somei-yoshino’ in comparison with wild Prunus yendoensis Matsum. (Rosaceae). Molecular Breeding 38:112https://doi.org/10.1007/s11032-018-0871-5
  7. Kwi Young Han, Louis Graf, Carolina P. Reyes, Barbara Melkonian, Robert A. Andersen, Hwan Su Yoon*, and Michael Melkonian. 2018. A Re-investigation of Sarcinochrysis marina (Sarcinochrysidales, Pelagophyceae) from its Type Locality and the Descriptions of Arachnochrysis, Pelagospilus, Sargassococcus and Sungminbooa genera nov. Protist 169: 79-106.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.protis.2017.12.004(*corresponding authors).
  8. Huan Qiu, Alessandro W. Rossoni, Andreas P.M. Weber, Hwan Su Yoon, and Debashish Bhattacharya. Unexpected conservation of the RNA splicing apparatus in the highly streamlined genome of Galdieria sulphuraria. 2018. BMC Evolutionary Biology 18:41.https://doi.org/10.1186/s12862-018-1161-x
  9. Jong Im Kim, Hwan Su Yoon, Gangman Yi, Woongghi Shin, and John M. Archibald. 2018. Comparative mitochondrial genomics of cryptophyte algae: gene shuffling and dynamic mobile genetic elements. BMC Genomics 19: 275.https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-018-4626-9
  10. Ayla Eren, Manuela Iovinella, Hwan Su Yoon, Paola Cennamo, Maria de Stefano, Olga de Castro, and Claudia Ciniglia. 2018. Genetic structure of Galdieria populations from Iceland. Polar Biologyhttps://doi.org/10.1007/s00300-018-2308-3
  11. Kyeong Mi Kim, Ji Won Choi, Hwan Su Yoon, Hyeong Seok Jang, and Ji Won Hong. 2018. Complete mitochondrial genome of Sargassum yezoense (Sargassaceae, Phaeophyceae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources. 3: 424-425.https://doi.org/10.1080/23802359.2018.1457993
  12. Yasuyo Yamaoka, Bae Young Choi, Hanul Kim, Seungjun Shin, Yeongho Kim, Sunghoon Jang, Won-Yong Song, Chung Hyun Cho, Hwan Su Yoon, Kenji Kohno and Youngsook Lee. 2018. Identification and functional study of the endoplasmic reticulum stress sensor IRE1 in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The Plant Journal. 94: 91-104.https://doi.org/10.1111/tpi.13844


  1. Huan Qiu, Jun Mo Lee,Hwan Su Yoonand Debashish Bhattacharya. 2017. Hypothesis: Gene-rich plastid genomes in red algae may be an outcome of nuclear genome reduction. Journal of Phycology. 53(3):715-719. DOI: 10.1111/jpy.12514
  2. Duckhyun Lhee, Eun Chan Yang, Jong Im Kim, Takuro Nakayama, Giuseppe Zuccarello, Robert A. Andersen andHwan Su Yoon. 2017. Diversity of thePhotosynthetic Paulinella Species, with the Description of Paulinella micropora sp. nov. and the Chromatophore Genome Sequence for strain KR01. Protist.168(2):155-170. doi: 10.1016/j.protis.2017.01.003(*corresponding authors).
  3. Dana C. Price, Jürgen M. Steiner,Hwan Su Yoon, Debashish Bhattacharya and Wolfgang Löffelhardt. 2017. Glaucophyta. Handbook of the Protists. pp 1-56.DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-32669-6_42-1.
  4. Jong Im Kim, Christa E. Moore, John M. Archibald, Debashish Bhattacharya, Gangman Yi,Hwan Su Yoonand Woongghi Shin. 2017. Evolutionary Dynamics ofCryptophyte Plastid Genomes. GBE. 9(7):1859-1872. doi.org/10.1093/gbe/evx123(*corresponding authors)
  5. Robert A. Andersen, Louis Graf, Yuriy Malakhov andHwan Su Yoon. 2017. Rediscovery of the Ochromonas type species Ochromonas triangulata (Chrysophyceae) from its type locality (Lake Veysove, Donetsk region, Ukraine). Phycologia. 56(6), 591-604. doi.org/10.2216/17-15.1
  6. Juliet Brodie, Cheong Xin Chan, Olivier De Clerck, J. Mark co*ck, Susana M. Coelho, Claire Gachon, Arthur R. Grossman, Thomas Mock, John A. Raven, Alison G.Smith,Hwan Su Yoonand Debashish Bhattacharya. 2017. The Algal Revolution. Trends in Plant Science. 22(8), 726-738. doi.org/10.1016/j.tplants
  7. Juliet Brodie, Steven G. Ball, François-Yves Bouget, Cheong Xin Chan, Olivier De Clerck, J. Mark co*ck, Claire Gachon, Arthur R. Grossman, Thomas Mock, John A.Raven, Mahasweta Saha, Alison G. Smith, Assaf Vardi,Hwan Su Yoonand Debashish Bhattacharya. 2017. Biotic interactions as drivers of algal origin andevolution. New Phytologist. DOI: 10.1111/nph.1476
  8. Seon-Hee Kim, Chung Hyun Cho,Hwan Su Yoon, Jihyeon Jeon, Seung-Chul Kim. 2017. Characterization of the complete chioroplast genome ofForsythia saxatilis(Oleaceac), a vulnerable calcicolus species endemic to Korea.Conservation Genet Resour. DOI: 10.1007/s12686-017-0910-2
  9. Louis Graf, Yae Jin Kim, Ga Youn Cho, Kathy Ann Miller,Hwan Su Yoon. 2017. Plastid and mitochondrial genomes ofCoccophora langsdorfii(Fucales, Phaeophyceae) and the utility of molecular markers. PLoS ONE. 12(11):e0187104


  1. JunMo Lee, Chung Hyun Cho, Seung In Park, Ji Won Choi, Hyun Suk Song, John A. West, Debashish Bhattacharya, andHwan Su Yoon. 2016. Parallel evolution of highly conserved plastid genome architecture in red seaweeds and seed plants. BMC Biology. 14: 75. Doi: 10.1186/s12915-016-0299-5.(*corresponding authors).
  2. Huan Qiu, Hwan Su Yoon, Debashish Bhattacharya. Red Algal phylogenomics provides a robust framework for inferring evolution of key metabolic pathways. PLOS Currents Tree of Life. 2016 Dec 2. Edition 1. doi: 10.1371/currents.tol.7b037376e6d84a1be34af756a4d90846
  3. Hwan Su Yoon, Wendy Nelson, Sandra C. Lindstrom, Sung Min Boo, Curt Pueschel, Huan Qiu, and Debashish Bhattacharya. 2016. Rhodophyta, (Eds.) J. M. Archibald, A.G.B. Simpson, and C.H. Slamovits.Handbook of the Protists.Pp. 1– 45.Springer International Publishing Switzerland.(*corresponding authors).
  4. Myong-Suk Cho, Chung Hyun Cho, Su Yeon Kim,Hwan Su Yoonand Seung-Chul Kim. 2016. Complete chloroplast genome ofPrunus yedoensisMatsum.(Rosaceae), wild and endemic flowering cherry on Jeju Island, Korea.Mitochondrial DNA Part A. 27(5): 3652-3654. DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2015.1079840
  5. JunMo Lee, Kyeong Mi Kim, Eun Chan Yang, Kathy Ann Miller, Sung Min Boo, Debashish Bhattacharya, andHwan Su Yoon. 2016. Reconstructing the complex evolutionary history of mobile plasmids in red algal genomes. Scientific Reports. 6: 23744 | DOI: 10.1038/srep23744 (*corresponding authors).
  6. Eun Chan Yang, Sung Min Boo, Debashish Bhattacharya, Gary Saunders, Andrew H. Knoll, Suzanne Fredericq, Louis Graf,andHwan Su Yoon. 2016. Divergence time estimates and evolution of major lineages in the florideophyte red algae. Scientific Reports. 6: 21361. doi: 10.1038/srep21361. (*corresponding authors)
  7. Ji Hyun Yang, Louis Graf, Chung Hyun Cho, Byung Hee Jeon, Jeong Ha Kim, andHwan Su Yoon. 2016. Complete plastid genome of an ecologically important brown algaSargassum thunbergii(Fucales, Phaeophyceae). Marine Genomics. In press. doi:10.1016/j.margen.2016.03.003
  8. Jae-Ung Hwang, Won-Yong Song, Daewoong Hong, Donghwi Ko, Yasuyo Yamaoka, Sunghoon Jang, Sojeong Yim, Eunjung Lee, Deepa Khare, Kyungyoon Kim, Michael Palmgren,Hwan Su Yoon,Enrico Martinoia, and Youngsook Lee. 2016. Pland ABC transporters enable many unique aspects of a terrestrial plant’s lifestyle. Molecular Plant. 9: 338–355.
  9. Hyung-Gwan Lee, Hae Jung Song, Dae-Soo Kim, Chung Hyun Cho, Hyun-Joon La, Hee-Mock Oh, andHwan Su Yoon. 2016. Unique mitochondrial genome structure of the green algal strain YC001 (Sphaeropleales, Chlorophyta), with morphological observations. Phycologia. 55: 1-6 (*corresponding authors)


  1. Eun Chan Yang, Kyeong Mi Kim, Su Yeon Kim, JunMo Lee, Ga Hun Boo, Jung-Hyun Lee, Wendy A. Nelson, Gangman Yi, William Schmidt, Suzanne L. Fredericq, Sung Min Boo, Debashish Bhattacharya, andHwan Su Yoon. 2015. Highly conserved mtDNA among multicellular red algae of the Florideophyceae.Genome Biology and Evolution. 7(8): 2394-2406 (*corresponding authors).
  2. Eun Chan Yang, Bo-Hye Nam, Seung-Jae Noh, Young-Ok Kim, Dong-Gyun Kim, Young Ju Lee, Jun-Hyung Park, Jae Hoon Noh,Hwan Su Yoon*. 2015. Complete mitochondrial genome of Pacific abalone (Haliotis discus hannai) from Korea. Mitochondrial DNA. 26(6): 917-918, DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2013.863289. (*corresponding authors).
  3. Robert A. Andersen, Jong Im Kim, Ian Tittley, andHwan Su Yoon. 2015.Chrysotila dentata comb. nov., Chrysotila roscoffensis comb. nov.andChrysocapsa wetherbeei sp. nov. Phycologia. 54(3): 321-322.
  4. Dong Hee Choi, Yong Min Kwon, Hiroshi Xavier Chiura, Eun Chan Yang, Seung Seob Bae, Sung Gyun Kang, Jung-Hyun Lee,Hwan Su Yoon, Sang-Jin Kim. 2015. Purification and Characterization of extracellular vesicles from a hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus onnurineus NA1T). 2015. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. Accepted manuscript posted online 1 May 2015, doi: 10.1128/AEM.00428-15.
  5. Huan Qiu, Dana C. Price, Eun Chan Yang,Hwan Su Yoonand Debashish Bhattacharya. 2015. Evidence of ancient genome reduction in red algae (Rhodophyta). Journal of Phycology. In press. DOI:10.1111/jpy.12294
  6. Wendy A. Nelson, Judith E. Sutherland, Tracy J. Farr, Darren R. Hart, Kate F. Neill, Hee Jeong Kim,Hwan Su Yoon. 2015. Multigene phylogenetic analyses of New Zealand coralline algae:Corallinapetra novaezelandiaegen. et sp. nov. and recognition of the Hapalidiales ord. nov. Journal of Phycology. In press. DOI: 10.1111/jpy.12288.
  7. Jun-Mo Lee, Sung Min Boo, Andres Mansilla,Hwan Su Yoon. 2015. Unique repeat and plasmid sequences in the mitochondrial genome ofGracilaria chilensis(Gracilariales, Rhodophyta). Phycologia 54: 20-23. (*corresponding authors).
  8. Jong Im Kim,Hwan Su Yoon, Gangman Yi, Hyung Seop Kim, Wonho Yih, Woongghi Shin. 2015. The Plastid Genome of the CryptomonadTeleaulax amphioxeia. PLoS ONE 10(6): e0129284. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.012928
  9. Debashish Bhattacharya, Huan Qiu, Dana Price,Hwan Su Yoon. 2015. Why we need more algal genomes. Journal of Phycology 51: 1-5. DOI: 10.1111/jpy.12267


  1. Claudia Ciniglia, Eun Chan Yang, Antonino Pollio, Gabriele Pinto, Manuela Iovinella, Laura Vitale, andHwan Su Yoon. 2014. Cyandiophyceae in Iceland: plastid rbcL gene elucidates origin and dispersal of extremophilicGaldieria sulphurariaandG. maxima(Galdieriaceae, Rhodophyta). Phycologia 53: 542-551. (*corresponding authors). Cover photo for the Volume 53, Issue 6 (2014)
  2. Michael J. Wynne, Robert A. Andersen, Louis Graf, andHwan Su Yoon.2014.Aureoscheda, a newgenus of marine Pelagophyceae from the Bahamas, Caribbean Sea. Phycologia. 53: 513-522.
  3. Dae Heon Kim, Mi-Jeong Park, Gwang Hyeon Gwon, Antonina Silkov, Zheng-Yi Xu, Eun Chan Yang, Seohyeon Song, Kyungyoung Song, Younghyun Kim,Hwan Su Yoon, Barry Honig, Wonhwa Cho, Yunje Cho, and Inhwan Hwang. 2014. Chloroplast targeting factor AKR2 evolved from an ankyrin repeat domain coincidentally binds two chloroplast lipids. Developmental Cell 30: 598-609
  4. Robert A. Andersen, Jong Im Kim, Ian Tittley, andHwan Su Yoon*. 2014. A re-investigation ofChrysotila(Prymnesiophyceae) using materials collected from the type locality. Phycologia 53: 463-473. (*corresponding authors). Cover photo for the Volume 53, Issue 5 (2014)
  5. Su Yeon Kim, Antonio Manghisi, Marina Morabito, Eun Chan Yang, Hwan Su Yoon, Kathy Ann Miller and Sung Min Boo. 2014. Genetic diversity and haplotype distribution ofPachymeniopsis gargiulisp. nov. andP. lanceolata(Halymeniales, Rhodophyta) in Korea, with notes on their non-native distributions. Journal of Phycology 50: 885-896
  6. Jasmine Chong, Christopher Jackson, Jong Im Kim,Hwan Su Yoon, and Adrian Reyes-Prieto. 2014. Molecular markers from different genomic compartments reveal cryptic diversity within glaucophyte species. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 76: 181-188.
  7. Rajat S. Roy,Dana C. Price, Alexander Schliep, Guohong Cai, Anton Korobeynikov,Hwan Su Yoon,Eun Chan Yang, Debashish Bhattacharya. 2014. Single cell genome analysis of an uncultured heterotrophic stramenopile. Scientific Reports 4: 4780.
  8. Kyeong Mi Kim, Jun-Hyung Park, Debashish Bhattacharya, and Hwan Su Yoon*, 2014. Applications of next-generation sequencing to unraveling the evolutionary history of algae.International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology64: 333-345.


  1. Eun Chan Yang, Bo-Hye Nam, Seung-Jae Noh, Young-Ok Kim, Dong-Gyun Kim, Young Ju Lee, Jun-Hyung Park, Jae Hoon Noh,Hwan Su Yoon*. 2013. Complete mitochondrial genome of Pacific abalone (Haliotis discus hannai) from Korea.Mitochondrial DNAIn press, DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2013.800502
  2. Huan Qiu, Dana C. Price, Andreas P.M. Weber, Valérie Reeb, Eun Chan Yang, Jun Mo Lee, Su Yeon Kim,Hwan Su Yoon*, and Debashish Bhattacharya. 2013. Adaptation through horizontal gene transfer in the cryptoendolithic red algaGaldieria phlegrea.Current Biology. 23: R865-R866.
  3. Huan Qiu, Dana C. Price, Andreas P.M. Weber, Fabio Facchinelli,Hwan Su Yoon, and Debashish Bhattacharya. 2013. Assessing the bacterial contribution to the plastid proteome.Trends in Plant Science18: 680-687.
  4. Huan Qiu,Hwan Su Yoon, Debashish Bhattacharya. 2013. Algal endosymbionts as vectors of horizontal gene transfer in photosynthetic eukaryotes.Frontiers in Plant Science4: 366.
  5. Debashish Bhattacharya, Dana C. Price, Cheong Xin Chan, Huan Qiu, Nicholas Rose, Steven Ball, Andreas P. M. Weber, Maria Cecilia Arias, Bernard Henrissat, Pedro M. Coutinho, Anagha Krishnan, Simone Zauner, Shannon Morath, Frederique Hilliou, Andrea Egizi, Marie-Mathilde Perrineau,Hwan Su Yoon. 2013. Genome of the red algaPorphyridium purpureum.Nature Communications4:1941.
  6. Kyeong Mi Kim, Eun Chan Yang, Jeong Ha Kim, Wendy A. Nelson,Hwan Su Yoon*. 2013. Complete mitochondrial genome of a rhodolith,Sporolithon durum(Sporolithales, Rhodophyta).Mitochondrial DNA.In press, DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2013.819500.
  7. Eun Chan Yang, Kyeong Mi Kim, Su Yeon Kim,Hwan Su Yoon*. 2013. Complete mitochondrial genome of sublittoral macroalgaRhodymenia pseudopalmata(Rhodymeniales, Rhodophyta).Mitochondrial DNAIn press, DOI:10.3109/19401736.2013.800502.
  8. Kyeong Mi Kim, Eun Chan Yang, Gangman Yi,Hwan Su Yoon*. 2013. Complete mitochondrial genome of agar-producing red algaGracilariopsis chorda(Gracilariales).Mitochondrial DNAIn press, DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2013.800501.
  9. Su Yeon Kim, Eun Chan Yang, Sung Min Boo,Hwan Su Yoon*. 2013. Complete mitochondrial genome of marine red algaGrateloupia angusta(Halymeniales).Mitochondrial DNAIn press, DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2013.800500.
  10. Eun Chan Yang, Kyeong Mi Kim, Ga Hun Boo, Jung-hyun Lee, Sung Min Boo,Hwan Su Yoon*. 2013. Complete mitochondrial genome of the agarophyte red algaGelidium vagum(Gelidiales).Mitochondrial DNAIn press,DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2013.800499.
  11. Debashish Bhattacharya, Dana C. Price, Cedric Bicep, Eric Bapteste, Mihir Sarwade, Veeran D. Rajah,Hwan Su Yoon. 2013. Identification of a marine cyanophage in a protist single cell metagenome assembly.Journal of Phycology49: 207-212.


  1. Huan Qiu, Eun Chan Yang, Debashish Bhattacharya,Hwan Su Yoon*. 2012. Ancient gene paralogy may mislead inference of plastid phylogeny.Molecular Biology and Evolution29: 3333-3343.
  2. Kim, K.M., Hwang, I.K.,Yoon, H.S. and Boo, S.M. 2012. Four novel new species ofGelidium(Gelidiales, Rhodophyta) isolated from Korea:G. coreanum,G. jejuensis,G. minimum, andG. prostratum.Phycologia51: 461-474
  3. Dana C. Price, Cheong Xin Chan,Hwan Su Yoon, Eun Chan Yang, Huan Qiu, Andreas P. M. Weber, Rainer Schwacke, Jeferson Gross, Nicolas A. Blouin, Chris Lane, Adrián Reyes-Prieto, Dion G. Durnford, Jonathan A. D. Neilson, B. Franz Lang, Gertraud Burger, Jürgen M. Steiner, Wolfgang Löffelhardt, Jonathan E. Meuser, Matthew C. Posewitz, Steven Ball, Maria Cecilia Arias, Bernard Henrissat, Pedro M. Coutinho, Stefan A. Rensing, Aikaterini Symeonidi, Harshavardhan Doddapaneni, Beverley R. Green, Veeran D. Rajah, Jeffrey Boore, and Debashish Bhattacharya. 2012.Cyanophora paradoxagenome elucidates origin of photosynthesis in algae and plants.Science. 335: 843-847.
  4. Debashish Bhattacharya, Dana C. Price*,Hwan Su Yoon*, Eun Chan Yang, Nicole Poulton, Robert A. Andersen, Sushma Parankush Das. 2012. Single cell genome analysis supports a link between phagotrophy and primary plastid endosymbiosis.Scientific Reports2: 356.
  5. Eun Chan Yang,Ga Hun Boo, Hee Jeong Kim, Sung Mi Cho, Sung Min Boo, Robert A. Andersen,Hwan Su Yoon*. 2012. Supermatrix data highlight phylogenetic relationships of photosynthetic stramenopiles.Protist163: 217-231.


  1. Hwan Su Yoon, Dana Price, Michael Sieracki, Ramunas Stepanauskas, William H. Wilson, Eun Chan Yang, Siobain Duffy, Debashish Bhattacharya. 2011. Single cell genomes reveal the dynamic world of uncultured marine protists.Science332: 714-717.
  2. Joe Scott, Eun Chan Yang, John A. West, Akiko Yokoyama, Hee Jeong Kim, Susan Loiseaux de Goër, Charles J. O’Kelly, Evguenia Orlova, Su Yeon Kim, Jeong Kwang Park,Hwan Su Yoon*. 2011. On the genusRhodella, the emended orders Dixoniellales and Rhodellales with a new order Glaucosphaerales (Rhodellophyceae, Rhodophyta).Algae26: 1 – 12.
  3. Cheong Xin Chan, Jeferson Gross,Hwan Su Yoon, Debashish Bhattacharya. 2011. Plastid origin and evolution: New models provide insights into old problems.Plant Physiology155: 1552-1560.
  4. Cheong Xin Chan, Eun Chan Yang, Titas Banergee,Hwan Su Yoon*, Patrick T. Martone, Jose M. Estevez, Debashish Bhattacharya*. 2011. Signal of Plantae monophyly and gene sharing found in rich repertoire of red algal genes.Current Biology21: 328-33.
  5. Giuseppe C. Zuccarello,Hwan Su Yoon, HeeJeong Kim, Ling Sun, Susan Loiseaux de Goër, John A. West. 2011. Molecular phylogeny of the upright Erythropeltidales (Compsopogonophyceae, Rhodophyta): Multiple cryptic lineages ofErythrotrichia carnea.Journal of Phycology47: 627-637. (cover photo).
  6. Eun Chan Yang, Joe Scott, John A. West,Hwan Su Yoon, Akiko Yokoyama, Ulf Karsten, Susan Loiseaux de Goër, Evguenia Orlova, 2011.Erythrolobus australicussp. nov. (Porphyridiophyceae, Rhodophyta): a description based on several approaches.Algae26: 167 – 180.


  1. Eun Chan Yang, Joe Scott, John A. West, Evguenia Orlova, Dave Gauthier, Frithjof C. Küpper,Hwan Su Yoon,and Ulf Karsten. 2010. New taxa of the Porphyridiophyceae (Rhodophyta):Timspurckia oligopyrenoidesgen. et sp.nov. andErythrolobus madagascarensissp. nov.Phycologia49: 606 - 616.
  2. Sung Min Boo, Han Soon Kim, Woongghi Shin, Ga Hun Boo, Sung Mi Cho, Bok Yeon Jo, Jee-Hwan Kim, Jin Hee Kim, Eun Chan Yang, Peter A. Siver, Alexander P. Wolfe, Debashish Bhattacharya, Robert A. Andersen,Hwan Su Yoon*. 2010. Complex phylogeographic patterns in the freshwater algaSynuraprovide new insights into ubiquity vs. endemism in microbial eukaryotes. (cover photo).Molecular Ecology19:4328 – 4338.
  3. Hwan Su Yoon, Giuseppe C. Zuccarello, and Debashish Bhattacharya. 2010. Evolutionary history and taxonomy of red algae.In: Red algae in the genomic age, (Eds.) J. Seckbach, D. J. Chapman and A. Weber. Pp. 25 – 42.Springer
  4. Adrian Reyes-Prieto*,Hwan Su Yoon*, Ahmed Moustafa, Eun Chan Yang, Robert A. Andersen, Sung Min Boo, Takuro Nakayama, Ken-ichiro Ishida, and Debashish Bhattacharya. 2010. Differential gene retention in plastid of recent origin. (*equal contribution).MolecularBiology and Evolution27:1530 – 1537.
  5. Heroen Verbruggen, Christine A. Maggs, Gary W. Saunders, Line Le Gall,Hwan Su Yoonand Olivier De Clerck. 2010. Data mining approach identifies research priorities and data requirements for resolving the red algal tree of life.BMC Evolutionary Biology10:16.


  1. Valérie C. Reeb, Michael T. Peglar,Hwan Su Yoon, Jennifer Ruoyu Bai, Min Wu, Philip Siu, Jessie L. Grafenberg, Adrian Reyes-Prieto, Susanne E. Rümmele, Jeferson Gross, Debashish Bhattacharya. 2009. Interrelationships of chromalveolates within a broadly sampled tree of photosynthetic protists.Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution53: 202-211.
  2. Hwan Su Yoon, Takuro Nakayama, Adrian Reyes-Prieto, Robert A. Andersen, Sung Min Boo, Ken-Ichiro Ishida, and Debashish Bhattacharya. 2009. A single origin of photosynthetic organelle in a diversity of photosyntheticPaulinellaspecies.BMC Evolutionary Biology9:98.
  3. Debashish Bhattacharya,Hwan Su Yoon, S. Blair hedges, and Jeremiah D. Hackett. 2009. Eukaryotes (Eukaryota).In: Timetree of life, (Eds.) S. B. Hedges and S. Kumar. Pp. 116-120.Oxford University Press, New York.
  4. Hwan Su Yoon, Robert A. Andersen, Sung Min Boo, and Debashish Bhattacharya. 2009. Stramenopiles.In: Encyclopedia of microbiology, third edition. (Ed.) M. Schaechter. Pp. 721-731.Elsevier Ltd. Oxford, UK.
  5. Min Wu, Josep M. Comeron,Hwan Su Yoon,and Debashish Bhattacharya. 2009. Unexpected dynamic gene family evolution in algal actins.MolecularBiology and Evolution26:249-253
  6. Hwan Su Yoon, Jessica Grant, Yonas I. Tekle, Min Wu, Benjamin C. Chaon, Jeffrey C. Cole, John M. Logsdon Jr., David J. Patterson, Debashish Bhattacharya, & Laura A. Katz. 2008. Broadly Sampled Multigene Trees of Eukaryotes. BMC Evolutionary Biology8:14.
  7. Jeremiah D. Hackett,Hwan Su Yoon, Nicholas J. Butterfield, Michael J. Sanderson, and Debashish Bhattacharya. 2007. Plastid endosymbiosis: sources and timing of the major events.In: Evolution of Primary Producers in the Sea, (Eds.) P. Falkowski and A. Knoll. Pp. 109-133.Elsevier Academic Press.
  8. Jeremiah D. Hackett*,Hwan Su Yoon*, Shenglan Li, Adrian Reyes-Prieto, Susanne E. Rümmele, and Debashish Bhattacharya. 2007. Phylogenomic analysis supports the monophyly of cryptophytes and haptophytes and the association of “Rhizaria” with chromalveolates.MolecularBiology and Evolution24:1702-1713. (*equal contribution).
  9. Hwan Su Yoon, Claudia Ciniglia, Min Wu, Josep Comeron, Gabriele Pinto, Antonino Pollio, and Debashish Bhattacharya. 2006. Establishment endolithic populations of extremophilic Cyanidiales (Rhodophyta).BMC Evolutionary Biology6:78.
  10. Hwan Su Yoon, Adrian Reyes-Prieto, Michael Melkonian, and Debashsh Bhattacharya. 2006. Minimal plastid genome evolution in thePaulinellaendosymbiont.Current Biology16:R670-R672.
  11. Hwan Su Yoon, Jeremiah D. Hackett and Debashish Bhattacharya. 2006. A genomic and phylogenetic perspective on endosymbiosis and algal origin.Journal of Applied Phycology18: 475-481.
  12. Hwan Su Yoon, Kirsten M. Müller, Robert G. Sheath, Franklyn D. Ott, and Debashish Bhattacharya. 2006. Defining the major lineages of red algae (Rhodophyta).Journal of Phycology42: 482-492.
  13. Adrian Reyes-Prieto,Hwan Su Yoonand Debashish Bhattacharya. 2006. Phylogenomics and its Growing Impact on Algal Phylogeny and Evolution.Algae21: 1-10.
  14. Jeremiah D. Hackett, Todd E. Scheetz,Hwan Su Yoon, Marcelo B. Soares, Maria F. Bonaldo, Thomas L. Casavantand Debashish Bhattacharya. 2005. Insights into a dinoflagellate genome through expressed sequence tag analysis.BMC Genomics6: 80.
  15. Hwan Su Yoon, Jeremiah D. Hackett, Kristy B. Lidie, Frances M. Van Dolah, Tetyana Nosenko, and Debashish Bhattacharya. 2005. Tertiary endosymbiosis driven genome evolution in dinoflagellate algae.MolecularBiology and Evolution22: 1299-1308.
  16. Claudia Ciniglia*,Hwan Su Yoon*, Antonino Pollio, Gabrielle Pinto, Debashish Bhattacharya. 2004. Hidden biodiversity of the extremophilic Cyanidiales red algae.MolecularEcology13: 1827-1838 (*equal contribution).
  17. Hwan Su Yoon, Jeremiah D. Hackett, Claudia Ciniglia, Gabrielle Pinto, Debashish Bhattacharya. 2004. A molecular timeline for the origin of photosynthetic eukaryotes.MolecularBiology and Evolution21: 809-818.
  18. Jeremiah D. Hackett,Hwan Su Yoon, Bento M. Soares, Maria F. Bonaldo, Thomas L. Casavant, Todd L. Sheetz, Tetyana Nozenko, Debashish Bhattacharya. 2004. Migration of the plastid genome to the nucleus in a peridinin Dinoflagellate.Current Biology14: 213-218.
  19. Debashish Bhattacharya,Hwan Su Yoon, and Jeremiah D. Hackett. 2004. Photosynthetic eukaryotes unite: Endosymbiosis connects the Dots.BioEssays26.1: 50-60.
  20. Tae Oh Cho, Ga Yeon Cho,Hwan Su Yoon, Sung Min Boo, and Wook Jae Lee. 2003. New records ofMyelophycus cavus (Scytosiphonaceae, Phaeophyceae) in Korea and the taxonomic position of the genus on the basis of a plastid DNA phylogeny.Nova Hedwigia76: 381-397.
  21. Gabriele Pinto, Patrizia Albertano, Claudia Ciniglia, Salvatore Cozzolino, Antonino Pollio,Hwan Su Yoon, Debashish Bhattacharya. 2003. Comparative approaches to the taxonomy of the genusGaldieriaMerola (Cyanidiales, Rhodophyta).Cryptogamie Algologie24: 13-32.
  22. Kyung Suk Seo, Tae Oh Cho, Ji Sun Park, Eun Chan Yang,Hwan Su Yoon, and Sung Min Boo. 2003. Morphology, basiphyte range, and plastid DNA phylogeny ofCampylaephora borealisstat. nov. (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta).Taxon52: 9-19.
  23. Jeremiah D. Hackett, Lucie Maranda,Hwan Su Yoonand Debashish Bhattacharya. 2003. Phylogenetic evidence for the cryptophyte origin of the plastid ofDinophysis(Dinophysiales, Dinophyceae).Journal of Phycology39: 440-448.
  24. Hwan Su Yoon, Jeremiah Hackett, Gabriele Pinto, and Debashish Bhattacharya. 2002. The single, ancient origin of Chromist plastids.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America99: 15507-15512. (cover photo).
  25. Hwan Su Yoon, Jeremiah D. Hackett, and Debashish Bhattacharya. 2002. A single origin of the peridinin-, and fucoxanthin-containing plastids in dinoflagellates through tertiary endosymbiosis.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America99: 11724-11729. (in commentary article in same issue).
  26. Hwan Su Yoon, Ju Yeon Lee, Sung Min Boo, and Debashish Bhattacharya. 2001. Phylogeny of Alariaceae, Laminariaceae and Lessoniaceae (Phaeophyta) based on plastid-encoded RuBisCo spacer and nuclear-encoded ITS sequence comparisons.Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution21: 231-243.
  27. Ga Youn Cho,Hwan Su Yoon, Han-Gu Choi, Sung Min Boo, Kazuhiro Kogame. 2001. Phylogeny of the family Scytosiphonaceae (Phaeophyta) from Korea based on sequences of plastid-encoded RuBisCo spacer region.Algae16: 145-150.
  28. Sung Min Boo andHwan Su Yoon. 2000. Molecular relationships of giant kelp (Phaeophyceae).Algae15: 13-16.
  29. Hwan Su Yoonand Sung Min Boo. 1999. Phylogeny of Alariaceae (Phaeophyta) with special reference toUndariabased on sequences of the RuBisCo spacer region.Hydrobiologia398/399: 47-55.
  30. Yun Kyung Lee,Hwan Su Yoon, Taizo Motomura, Yung Jin Kim and Sung Min Boo. 1999. Phylogenetic relationships betweenPelvetiaandPelvetiopsis(Fucaceae, Phaeophyta) inferred from sequences of the RuBisCo spacer region.European Journal of Phycology34: 205-211.
  31. Sung Min Boo, Wook Jae Lee,Hwan Su Yoon, Atsushi Kato and Hiroshi Kawai. 1999. Molecular phylogeny of Laminariales (Phaeophytceae) inferred from small subunit ribosomal DNA sequences. Phycological Research47: 109-114.
  32. Hwan Su Yoon, Byeong Mee Min, Jae Wook Bang and Sung Min Boo. 1999. Morphology and karyotype ofConvallaria majalis(Liliaceae) in Korea.Korean Journal of Environmental Biology17: 371-378.
  33. Wook Jae Lee,Hwan Su Yoonand Sung Min Boo. 1998. Phylogenetic relationships ofPelvetiaandPelvetiopsis (Phaeophyceae) based on small subunit ribosomal DNA sequences.Journal of Plant Biology41: 103-109.
  34. Wook Jae Lee,Hwan Su Yoonand Sung Min Boo. 1997. Marine algal community of Gyoungkiman Islets on the West Sea of Korea.Algae12: 139-144.
  35. Kim, Sun Ran,Hwan Su Yoon, Sung Min Boo and Sang Gi Paik. 1997. Morphological and random amplified polymorphic DNA features in populations ofCeramium kondoi(Rhodophyta).Journal of Plant Biology40: 27-32.
  36. Sung Min Boo andHwan Su Yoon. 1993. Systematic studies ofCeramium kondoi(Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta) in the field and in culture.Algae8: 179-189.

Funding history

2022 - 2027 Decoding red algal epigenome: reconstruction of epigenomic evolutionary trajectory. Lead PI. National Research Foundation (NRF) grant
(2022R1A2B5B03002312), Korea.
• 2020 – 2025 The Origin and Diversification of Sexual Reproduction. Lead PI. Samsung Science and Technology Foundation
(SSTF-BA2002-13), Korea.
• 2017 – 2022 Genome evolution of extremophilic red algae to adapt inthe heavy metal-rich acidic hot spring environments. Lead PI.
National Research Foundation (NRF) grant (MEST: 2017R1A2B3001923), Korea.
• 2014 – 2022 The Marine Genome 100+ Korea. Lead PI for the Session II Marine Plant Genome. Marine Biotechnology Program
(PJT200620), Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Korea.
• 2014 – 2017 Subclass level of red algal evolution based on the mitochondria and plastid genome analysis. Lead PI. National Research
Foundation (NRF) grant (MEST: 2014R1A2A2A01003588), Korea.
• 2011 – 2014 Development of photosynthetic system through the gene finding study using comparative genomics. Lead PI.
Rural Development Administration, Next-Generation BioGreen 21, Korea.
• 2010 – 2012 Diversity of marine protists: single cell genomics and imaging for Tara Oceans. Lead PI with M. Sieracki, R.Stepanauskas.
NSF NSF Biological Oceanography.
• 2009 – 2013 Collaborative Research: RedToL: Phylogenetic and Genomic Study of the Red Algal Tree of Life. Lead PI with
D. Bhattacharya, M. Vis, J.M. Lopez-Bautista, M. Hommersand, S. Fredericq, G. Saunders, S. M. Boo. NSF
Assembly of Tree of Life Program.
• 2009 – 2009 Diversity and evolution of Paulinella. Flinders Research Centre for Coastal and Catchment Environments D. Emerson,
D. M. Field, D. S. Twining, H. S. Yoon. NSF FMSL
• 2008 – 2011 Unlocking the mysteries of plastid establishment through comparative genome analysis of two Paulinella species.
Lead PI with R. A. Andersen, D. Bhattacharya. NSF Microbial Genome Sequencing Program. DEB827023
• 2008 – 2011 Acquisition of equipment for microbial single cell genomics research. Co-PI with R. Stepanauskas, D. McClellan,
M. Sieracki, W. Wilson. NSF, OCE, Major Research Instrumentation.

Education and experiences

• 2015-

Associated Professor, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Sungkyunkwan University

• 2011- 2015

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biological Sciences,Sungkyunkwan University
• 2007 - 2011 Principle Investigator, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
• 2004 - 2007 Senior Scientist, University of Iowa
• 2000 - 2004 Postdoc, University of Iowa
• 2000 - 2000 Lecturer, Chungnam National University
• 1999 - 2000 Postdoc, Chungnam National University
• 1995 - 1999 Ph.D., Dept. of Biology, Chungnam National University
• 1993 - 1995 M.S., Dept. of Biology, Chungnam National University
• 1988 - 1993 B.S., Dept. of Biology, Chungnam National University

Professional activities

Member: Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, Phycological Society of America, International Phycological Society,
International Society of Protistologists. Korean Society of Phycology.
Reviewer: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, The Journal of Phycology, Phycologia, The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology,
BMC Evolutionary Biology, Protist, Nature Communications. NSF Grant panel member and Ad Hoc reviewer, Algae.
Election committee of Phycological Society of America (2008-2010), Organizing committee of7thInternational
Chrysophyte Symposium 2008.
Editorial Board: Botanica Marina (2008-2012), Algae (2010-2013), Journal of Phycology (2011-2013)
Associate Editor: Phycologia (2012-2014)
Officers: Vice President of the International Society of Protistologists (2012-2013)


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    • 목록
    • 이전글양시영 교수님(Yang, Siyoung) 23.02.20
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